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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

World of Warcraft fans 'uncover new characters hidden in upcoming expansion'

World of Warcraft
The countdown to another Wow expansion , Battle for Azeroth, seems to have begun.

According to lover site WoWhead , the alpha version of Fight for Azeroth provides landed upon Blizzard servers and data miners possess wasted virtually no time in pulling the code aside, giving all of us a sneak peek at what to expect apparently.

But as a term of caution, this is actually the initial mine of data so it is at the mercy of change greatly since the release day edges ever closer.

The evil Queen Azshara is a raid boss in the overall game 
As expected, the majority of it is new mounts and versions including hyenas, dinosaurs, a frog, a huge parrot, goblin hovercraft, pterrordax and eventual raid boss Queen Azshara.

There were a few small changes to classes but absolutely nothing groundbreaking by yet with Blizzard getting criticism for not really emphasising what makes every one unique or providing greater distinction amongst their various capabilities.

Meanwhile, it would appear that Anduin is completely embracing his role as the High King of the Alliance and has been given a fresh model consequently. The brand new plate armour increases speculation about his true class role further.

Additionally, there are images of Zandalari trolls revealing different customisations such as for example body skins, hairstyles, tusks and accessories. Furthermore the druid travel form for the brand new trolls are also revealed to end up being both a raptor type for floor travel and pterodactyl for flying.

The 7.3.5 upgrade - which strike live servers the other day - introduced scaling zone levelling changes that allows new players to total a full area within certain level requirements and spend additional time experiencing the story.

When the release and pre-order dates for Battle for Azeroth will be known is anyone’s imagine at this stage. However, data mined content suggests soon beta testing will start relatively, and we’d anticipate pre-orders never to be far off.

On January 30 in 7pm GMT blizzard will become hosting a programmer Q&A on Twitch, which should provide even more concrete information hopefully.


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