List authorized sellers in a text file on your root domain
Authorized Digital Sellers, or ads.txt, is an IAB initiative to improve transparency in programmatic advertising. Publishers can create their own ads.txt files to identify who is authorized to sell their inventory. The files are publicly available and crawlable by buyers, third-party vendors, and exchanges.
Use of ads.txt is not mandatory, but is highly recommended. The ads.txt file can help you protect your brand from counterfeit inventory that is intentionally mislabelled as originating from a specific domain, app, or video. Declaring authorized sellers can help you receive more advertiser spend that might have otherwise gone toward counterfeit inventory.
The mission of the ads.txt project is simple: Increase transparency in the programmatic advertising ecosystem. Ads.txt stands for Authorized Digital Sellers and is a simple, flexible and secure method that publishers and distributors can use to publicly declare the companies they authorize to sell their digital inventory.
By creating a public record of Authorized Digital Sellers, ads.txt will create greater transparency in the inventory supply chain, and give publishers control over their inventory in the market, making it harder for bad actors to profit from selling counterfeit inventory across the ecosystem. As publishers adopt ads.txt, buyers will be able to more easily identify the Authorized Digital Sellers for a participating publisher, allowing brands to have confidence they are buying authentic publisher inventory.
How To Add ads.txt file in Blogger
Go to
Settings> Search preferences> Enable ads.txt
And paste it. Wait 24 hours.
Then Settings>Search and Performance
Enable ads.txt
Now Paste This Code>, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Note: Replace pub-0000000000000000 With Your Publisher id
Create your own ads.txt file for AdSense Wordpress Site
Here's how to create an ads.txt file to publicly declare that Google is authorized to sell your ad inventory:Create a text (.txt) file.
Include the following line:, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Host your ads.txt on your root domain (for example,
Important: Make sure you replace pub-0000000000000000 with your own publisher ID.
Here, "root domain" is defined as one level down from the public suffix list, which is how it's defined in the IAB ads.txt specification. For example, "" would be considered a root domain as "" is on the public suffix list but "" would not be considered a root domain.
These steps describe how to create an ads.txt file for Google AdSense publishers. For other SSPs/exchanges, visit their respective documentation on creating an ads.txt file or contact them.
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